
Monday, March 4, 2019

Provinces of the Philippines and Spanish Influence Origin Essay

A dance performed by lovely youngladies carrying cherubic fans and flirts withyoung men with canes and straw hats. Ladies dances their way to the heart of the men they appetency through the use of a fan. Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) * BANOG TYPE Cordillera dancing ORIGIN Ifugao This dance depicts hunters protecting their hen andchicks in Binaylan from a hungry hawk. The hunters trap the hawk and kill it in the end. Cordillera Dance ORIGIN Benguet This is a circle dance, which is being performed to celebrate thearrival of palmyheadhunters. It is also popularly cognize asBendian.Lubuagan, Kalingga The homecoming of triumphant head hunters after asuccessful kayaw ofheadhunting, done to avenge the death or evil done to a family member or relative is celebrated with the playing of special gongs called gangsa. The minger or successful warriors are honoured by their female relatives withgift of feather of lawi,beads or bongon and colorful g-string scalled ba-ag. Victory song s are sung bythe by the villagers while the minger dance with closed fists while the bodan or the unfortunate members of the headhunting group are demoted toplaying the gangsas.

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